Friday, November 14, 2008

Communication Arts Coverage for Local Work

Oliver Russell's work on the Hitchcock Building in downtown Boise is currently featured on the Communication Arts website.

The building, home of The Record Exchange, the Neurolux and The Edge, previously had a mural of assorted Alfred Hitchcock movies through the years, but now features a design based entirely on The Birds.

The mural was designed by Toby Robin, with direction from Russ Stoddard, and Fred Choate painting the mural on the building itself.

And of course there's the obligatory promotional item that comes along with this sort of news: Customers who visit The Record Exchange today (November 14th) and mention that they saw the building mural on the Communication Arts website will receive 20% off their purchase.

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Anonymous said...

The BAF and AIGI are bringing in the editor of Communication Arts magazine, Pat Coyne. The evening of Thursday, December 11. Invites to go out next week.

Anonymous said...

I suspect Toby Robin and Fred Choate deserve 98 percent of the credit for this, yet that's not how the story reads in CA. Hmmm.

Brian said...

For reference-sake, here are the credits as they read from last year's Rockie Awards:

Category 46 Out of Home (Local Site exterior)

Oliver Russell
The Record Exchange, “Hitchcock Building Mural”
Concept: Toby Robin
Art Director: Toby Robin, Paul Carew, Colleen Morgan
Illustrator: Toby Robin

Anonymous said...

Actually, the credits in the CA article point directly to Toby as the illustrator and art director and to Fred as the muralist. If you'd just read on . . .

Anonymous said...

It's not easy for Idaho to get coverage in CA, that's for sure. We are criminally overlooked.