Drake Cooper in Boise has an opening for a Web Designer. This person should be a mid-level developer who can "assist in web projects within a quickly growing marketing communications company." Full details about the job can be found here.
(Courtest of Craigslist)
Technorati tags: drake cooper, web designer job, craigslist
Friday, December 28, 2007
Job Opening - Web Designer
Posted by
11:58 PM
Labels: jobs
Job Opening - Account Manager
Closed Loop Marketing & Advertising in Boise has an opening for an Account Manager. The candidate "should love the agency business and have a strong desire to succeed." Full details about this job can be found here.
(Courtesy of BoiseIdahoJobs.com)
Technorati tags: closed loop marketing & advertising, account manager job, boiseidahojobs
Posted by
4:21 PM
Labels: jobs
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Updates from the folks over at Stoltz
For those who have been reading this blog for a while know, I've been known to rail on agencies who don't update their website from time to time. Stoltz Marketing Group is one that I've nagged at repeatedly.
In spite of my good-natured ribbing about their lack of activity represented on their website, the folks over at Stoltz really have been quite busy. Since mid-October they've:
Created a couple of television spots for Northwest Nazarene University's undergraduate enrollment campaign. If you've watched the Boise State Football games this past fall, you've likely seen them at some point. If not, they're up on YouTube, and you can see them here.
They've also been chosen by Simplot to create a national print campaign for their RoastWorks line of vegetables, scheduled to start running in January.
Idaho Rivers United was the recipient of a newly-designed website, courtesy of the pro-bono work of the SMG crew.
And that was October alone.
Among other things, December has seen Stoltz Marketing Group selected by The Big Brothers Big Sisters of America to create a national campaign to increase the number of adult male mentors. This is the result of work done at the local level on Men in Need (featured here last fall), which was credited with increasing local male volunteer levels by 46% in 2006.
Also this month, SMG launched the website for Avimor, a "master planned community in the Foothills."
If you'd like to find out more about any or all of this, you can take a look at the online version of SMG's Winter Newsletter.
Now if they would just start putting out some more regular updates, maybe I wouldn't have to write out these long, laundry-list kind of posts...
Hey, its nice to dream once in a while, right?
Technorati tags: stoltz marketing group, northwest nazarene university, boise state football, youtube, simplot, idaho rivers united, big brothers big sisters of america, avimor
Posted by
9:22 PM
Labels: agency news, updates
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A Christmas card recap
As has become a holiday staple, agencies around the state send out holiday cards and gifts. Call them Christmas cards, call them Holiday cards, everyone gets the point...
This year, however, I came across a few examples of shops that have taken a different approach.
Starting last year, and continuing once again this year, Rizen Creative went to a local school and held an art contest. The winners received samples of their cards which they could send to their friends and family. The school got a donation to its general fund, and Rizen got a holiday card. I good idea, no doubt, and a nice gesture to boot. More details about this one can be found on The Underdog Effect.
Another notable gesture, and one that many will compare future efforts against in years to come, came from Carew Co. For those that may have missed it, Carew Co. was founded earlier this year by Paul Carew, formerly of Oliver Russell. From all accounts, its been busy around there since day one, and one of the results was this card that was sent out to clients:Along with this card was a message that let the recipient know that rather than sending gifts, snacks or other holiday treats, Carew Co. made a cash donation to the Idaho Foodbank for $1,000. As mentioned on the Carew Co. blog, that donation will provide 5,000 meals that can be served.
Now as always, I'm sure there are others that I've missed, or should mention along with these. And as always, you're welcome to send an email or leave a comment to share your latest and greatest news.
Technorati tags:rizen creative, underdog effect, carew co, oliver russell, idaho foodbank
Posted by
10:57 PM
Labels: agency news, worth mentioning
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas, and was able to enjoy the time spent with friends and family.
I know I did.
Posted by
9:57 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
New Hire at Side Door Media
Seems like its been forever since I wrote one of these, but people are still on the move!
Dave Yasuda has joined Side Door Media as General Manager. Dave recently finished directing a feature film titled "The Five" and prior to that was general manager at Oliver Russell. More details can be found on Side Door Media's website.
Congratulations Dave.
Technorati tags: dave yasuda, side door media, the five, oliver russell
Posted by
7:26 AM
Labels: agency news, new hires
Monday, December 17, 2007
Those pesky expiration dates
Platinum Advertising Group's website seems to have vanished into thin air. I quick check of their domain name registration reveals this little tidbit -- it expired on November 23rd.
And apparently no one has thought to check on this site since then. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- the devil is in the details. Bad form folks, bad form.
Thanks for the tip S.
Technorati tags: platinum advertising group
Posted by
10:43 PM
Labels: agency news, updates
Anonymous job opening - Director of Interactive Marketing
There's an anonymous job opening on the Boise Craigslist for a Director of Interactive Marketing with a "progressive brand marketing agency in Boise." Full details about the position can be found here.
Technorati tags: craigslist, director of interactive marketing job
Posted by
7:18 AM
Labels: jobs
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Other Notable Sites - New Addition
There's a new addition to the Other Notable Sites links to the right:
The Underdog Effect
The Underdog Effect is written by Jeff Reynolds of Rizen Creative. He started blogging back in August of this year, and has consistently been publishing new content ever since.
Technorati tags: underdog effect, jeff reynolds, rizen creative
Posted by
7:11 AM
Labels: notable sites, resources, updates
Monday, December 10, 2007
Seasons. Weather. Names. All subject to change.
The holiday season is in full swing, and we're starting to see the usual 'Happy Holidays' greetings popping up on various website. This one in particular, has much much more.
A stop over at es/drake's website revealed a fancy little snow globe on the home page, as well as some big news:
Es/drake is now Drake Cooper.
For the long time reader, you'll remember that Jamie Cooper joined the agency as Chief Operating Officer back in 2006. He has since become a partner in the agency, and the name change is reflective of that.
Also, what is now Drake Cooper will be moving out of their long-held office space on 9th Street to their own, newly remodeled building in BoDo. That move is slated to happen mid month, so hopefully there won't be too many moving-related snafus.
Technorati tags: es/drake, drake cooper, jamie cooper, bodo
Posted by
12:29 PM
Labels: agency news
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Pro Bono work - the update
As I expected it would, an earlier post highlighting some local pro bono work generated some response. Here's a quick update on what a few other shops are working on:
DNA Advertising:
DNA Advertising teamed with Dutch Bros. Coffee and Peak Broadcasting to collect books for Mercy Housing, which is building a library for different communities. Mercy Housing helps people find affordable housing and offers after school programs for children.
DNA, along with Blackfin Technology, is also working on a re-branding campaign for The Arc.
Es/drake redesigned Zoo Boise's website.
Es/drake also donated quite a bit of time and effort to the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Live Large Give Large activities earlier this year.
Others? Just let me know.
Technorati tags: dna advertising, dutch bros coffee, peak broadcasting, mercy housing, blackfin technology, the arc, es/drake, zoo boise, extreme makeover home edition
Posted by
10:26 PM
Labels: agency news, updates, worth mentioning
Thursday, December 06, 2007
New news coming soon
Word in the street is that there's change afoot. Stay tuned for more.
Posted by
9:23 PM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Doing more than just trying to make a buck
I have to give credit to shops that go out of their way to help their community. Oliver Russell's o-pen purse program has been a long-standing example of such.
Today I happened upon another example.
Rizen Creative recently completed and launched a new website for the Boise Area Crime Stoppers. The site was done on a pro bono basis, led by Rizen's Javier Barrera.
Now before everyone jumps down my throat, I'm sure that for every example such as this that I mention, there are a hundred that go unnoticed. I won't dispute that fact. The only way I way I know to change it -- send me any tips or news that you'd like to share.
Technorati tags:oliver russell, o-pen purse, rizen creative, boise area crime stoppers, javier barrera
Posted by
6:45 PM
Labels: agency news, worth mentioning
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Always nice to see client success
And in this case, a tip of the hat goes to the folks over at Stoltz Marketing Group.
Peter O'Neill, Chairman of O'Neill Enterprises, will be receiving the 2007 Real Estate Award from the Idaho Chapter of the March of Dimes, "in honor of his involvement in the real estate industry and community." The award will be presented at a breakfast on December 4th. Additional details about the event can be found on the Idaho Business Review's website.
O'Neill Enterprises has been around since 1979, and Stoltz Marketing Group has done work on their behalf for many years.
Now, those of you who attended the most recent BAF luncheon will remember Pat Doody's comments that no agency deserves more than 50% of the credit for a client's success, or more than 50% of the blame for a client's failure. The same principal applies here, however I think everyone who has worked for Stoltz over the years on assorted O'Neill-related projects deserves a pat on the back.
Technorati tags: stoltz marketing group, peter o'neill, o'neill enterprises, march of dimes, idaho business review, boise advertising federation, pat doody
Posted by
6:29 PM
Labels: observations, recognition, worth mentioning
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Job Openings at Balihoo
While Balihoo isn't a traditional agency, per se, much of what's happening in the agency world, even here in Idaho, is far from traditional. That being said, Balihoo has a couple of job openings that may be relevant to you, dear readers:
Product Marketing Manager: The Product Marketing Manager will "help drive the overall communication, messaging, and marketing for the Balihoo software solution."
Advertising Media Specialist: The Advertising Media Specialist will "use the Internet to find and perform basic to advanced research on advertising properties, and enter information into the Balihoo web application to fill out the content as well as fulfill user requests for data."
Both jobs are listed on Craigslist, as well as Balihoo's website.
Technorati tags: balihoo, product marketing manager job, advertising media specialist job, craigslist
Posted by
10:44 PM
Labels: jobs
Monday, November 26, 2007
And now that Thanksgiving has come and gone
We now return to regularly scheduled programming.
New updates coming soon. I've got a couple of job listings waiting in the wings, some thoughts / comments that came about as a result of getting away for a long weekend, and all the assorted nonsense that accompanies it.
In the mean time though, let's see what George has been up to lately, shall we?
Posted by
11:46 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
A spin around the state
I took a spin through various agency websites recently, to see what's new (if anything). Here are a few highlights:
Advantage Advertising: When I last checked in on them - way back in July, there site had been in a state of "under construction" for some time. Well, that's no longer the case. Instead, it's "Coming Soon..." How long has it been that way? Good question.
Blue541: At a glance, it looks like things have pretty much been the same since the last time I wandered through. Too long ago...
Creative Soapbox: Something is up with these guys. I'm just not sure what. Their site is in a "coming soon" state as well, but they've showcased a bunch of the work they've done for their clients.
Steele & Associates: I know that the folks over in Pocatello consistently do outstanding work. If only they'd share a bit of it with updates on their website.
Who me? Snarky? Well, maybe a bit.
Technorati tags: advantage advertising, blue541, creative soapbox, steele & associates
Posted by
9:56 PM
Labels: observations, updates
Friday, November 16, 2007
A seemingly random comment
To Dave, Billy, Holly and Dave:
Posted by
7:44 PM
BAF Luncheon with Pat Doody
I was able to attend the Boise Advertising Federation's luncheon yesterday, featuring Pat Doody, President of Wongdoody.
A few RSVP snafu's aside, it was a very well organized event. The new BAF leadership seems to have their house in order, and look to be putting the right pieces in place to make future events and activities much more successful. Now if they'd just get that damned website fixed...
Pat's presentation, in my opinion, ranks right up there in quality with Bart Cleveland's presentation earlier this year. From all appearances, Pat is a gifted speaker with an obvious passion for his business, and one who appreciates the value of the creative and its role in the overall scheme of things.
I'd go into details about the presentation itself, but there's no way that I could do it justice. If anyone else who was in attendance would like to add their own take on it, by all means comment away.
Technorati tags: boise advertising federation, pat doody, wongdoody, bart cleveland
Posted by
7:25 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
David Armano's Incomplete Manifesto
Here's something that might provoke a few thoughts...
I came across David Armano's Incomplete Manifesto recently, and it struck a chord. If you haven't heard of David, you owe it to yourself to check out his blog, Logic + Emotion. David is the VP of Experience Design with Critical Mass, and is incredibly active in the social media space. He originally wrote this back in June of 2006, and updated it in October 2006.
Here are a few excerpts from his manifesto:
Ask questions. Lots of them. Ask the silly ones. The ones that no one else wants to ask. Ask about the bigger idea. Ask about the details. Ask why—but also ask yourself why you are asking the questions.
Be Someone’s Hero.
Everybody needs a hero. We just don’t want to admit it. Find someone who needs a hero. Not your boss—but the person looking for guidance—a word of encouragement or inspiration. Be that hero even if your own heroes don’t exist for you.
Tear Down The Wall.
Corporations thrive by having distinct departments and teams. Collaboration is encouraged—but authentic collaboration rarely happens. Why? Because it’s messy business. People are born with egos. Egos need to be un-learned. Replace your natural born ego with intense curiosity. Do this and you’ll be able to break down barriers, and do great things. When Harley-Davidson wanted to design their first high-performance motorcycle (the V-Rod), they went to Porsche for help. That’s checking ego at the door.
I would encourage all of you to read David's entire manifesto over at Logic + Emotion. Is it going to change your world? No, probably not. But if it causes you to look at things just a little differently next time, then well done.
And to David, I have to say - outstanding work, as always.
Technorati tags: david armano, logic + emotion, critical mass
Posted by
11:49 PM
Labels: notable sites, observations, worth mentioning
Job Opening - Project Manager
Wirestone in Boise has an opening for a Project Manager. They're looking for someone with at least five years of project management experience, with an emphasis on Fortune 500 clients. Full details about this position can be found here.
(Courtesy of Craigslist)
Technorati tags: wirestone, project manager job, fortune 500, craigslist
Posted by
10:33 PM
Labels: jobs
New hire at es/drake
Es/drake in Boise has added Steve Stuebner to the staff as a public relations account manager. He joins the crew after spending the past four years in public affairs with Tamarack Resort. More details on his background can be found here.
Congratulations Steve.
Technorati tags: es/drake, steve stuebner, tamarack resort
Posted by
7:14 AM
Labels: agency news, new hires
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
A Reminder
For those of you who may not have RSVP'd yet, don't forget that the BAF luncheon featuring guest speaker Pat Doody is this Thursday at 11:30.
From the sounds of it, this year's luncheons and similar types of events are going to be held at Beside Bardenay, which is, conveniently enough, beside Bardenay.
UPDATE - For those who may not have seen the comment posted this afternoon:
Three Courses + Cake, a lunch with Pat Doody, has officially SOLD OUT. Thank
you for everyone's interest in attending this event. If you have already sent your RSVP to the BAF, please be assured we'll have space and food and cake for you. We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday. Please stay tuned for details about January's BAF lunch.
-BAF Programs Committee
Technorati tags: boise advertising federation, baf luncheon, pat doody, beside bardenay, bardenay
Posted by
7:09 AM
Labels: events
Job Opening - Marketing and PR Assistant
Big Leap Creative in Sandpoint has an opening for a Marketing and PR Assistant. Full details about the position can be found here.
(Courtesy of craigslist)
After a quick spin around the web, it appears that Big Leap Creative is a small public relations and marketing consultant, and counts Schweitzer Mountain Resort among its clients.
Technorati tags: big leap creative, pr assistant job, craigslist, schweitzer mountain resort
Posted by
6:54 AM
Friday, November 09, 2007
Promotion at Oliver Russell
Matt Gitchell at Oliver Russell has been promoted to associate director for digital / interactive. Previously, Matt was the technical director for the agency, and works out of Oliver Russell's Portland office.
Congratulations Matt.
Technorati tags: matt gitchell, oliver russell
Posted by
7:15 AM
Labels: agency news, promotions
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Job Opening - Account Executive
Publicis in the West in Boise has an opening for an Account Executive with 2 - 3 years of experience. Full details about the position can be found here.
(Courtesy of craigslist)
Technorati tags: publicis, account executive job, craigslist
Posted by
7:21 AM
Labels: jobs
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Today is Election Day
Although this year's elections may not involve the glitz and glamour of Presidential or Congressional races, you do still have the chance to make your voices (and opinions) heard.
If you're not sure where to go, visit the Idaho Votes website for more details. And yes, you can register at the polls.
Posted by
2:47 PM
Monday, November 05, 2007
BAF Luncheon with Pat Doody
The Boise Advertising Federation is at it again. They've started up the guest speaker luncheon series once again, this month featuring Pat Doody, President of Wongdoody.
This month's luncheon is on November 15th from 11:30 - 1:00, at Beside Bardenay. If you'd like to RSVP, send the BAF an email or call 208-336-7511.
Technorati tags: boise advertising federation, pat doody, wongdoody, beside bardenay
Posted by
11:42 PM
Saturday, November 03, 2007
New Agency Additions
Here are the latest additions to the agency list:
Brandroots -- Brandroots appears to be a new shop based out of Eagle, Idaho. I don't have a lot of information about them, other than what's on their website, although it appears that they're also behind the Meridian Idaho Magazine.
PBZ Marketing -- PBZ first opened in 1996 by partners who go way back in the Treasure Valley agency world, so to speak -- back to the Floathe Johnson and EvansGroup Technology days.
As always, if there are others that you'd like to suggest adding to the list, just let me know.
Technorati tags: idaho ad agencies, brandroots, pbz marketing
Posted by
10:09 PM
Labels: agency news, resources
Job Opening - Media Assistant
Es/drake in Boise has an opening for a Receptionist / Media Assistant. As with any position, there's an assortment of responsibilities, but if you'd like to know more about it or apply, contact Robin Gibson for details.
Technorati tags: es/drake, receptionist job, media assistant job, robin gibson
Posted by
10:00 PM
Labels: jobs
Monday, October 29, 2007
Job Opening - Producer
Peppershock Media in Nampa has an opening for a Video Producer with at least 3 years of experience in studio and field video production. Full details about the job can be found here.
Technorati tags: peppershock media, video producer job
Posted by
7:44 PM
Labels: jobs
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Where do you draw the line?
At what point to you make the distinction between an individual doing work for a client, and an agency as it's own entity doing work for a client?
Is it when the business becomes its own legal entity? If so, there's a whole helluva lot more links that I need to add to the list.
Is it when the business becomes a brand, and that brand takes on a life of its own? If that's the case, who gets to decide? Me? I think not. My opinions are just that. Opinions.
So, I throw the question out there to you, dear readers...where do you draw the line?
Posted by
10:15 PM
Labels: observations, opinion
Company Profile - Fuze Interactive
Fuze Interactive is a small interactive design company based out of Kuna. They provide web design, 3D animation and a number of other services to their clients.
Technorati tags: fuze interactive
Posted by
9:23 PM
Labels: resources
Keeping a low profile
It's been a while since I've written anything about them, but Noot Group has been quietly humming along for a while now. They've added at least one new member to their staff (and probably more that I'm not aware of), and have updated some of the work on their website.
The latest updates to their portfolio include work that they've done for BOB, Meriwether Ranch and more.
Technorati tags: noot group, bob, meriwether ranch
Posted by
7:09 AM
Labels: agency news
And the correct answer, for 5,000 points is...
A member of the production staff.
Now for those who are wondering just how far off the deep end I've gone, the question was posed in a recent post about Oliver Russell's newest hire.
Thanks Julie for the tip.
Technorati tags: oliver russell
Posted by
7:01 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Job Opening - Art Director
Publicis in the West in Boise has an opening for an Art Director, with at least two years of experience. Full details about the job can be found here.
(Courtesy of Craigslist)
Technorati tags: publicis, art director job, craigslist
Posted by
9:03 PM
Labels: jobs
Friday, October 12, 2007
Friday events
Hey golfers -- have fun out there today.
And don't forget about the AIGA event this evening as well.
Posted by
7:20 AM
Labels: events
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
AIGA Idaho Event
This Friday, October 12th, the Idaho Chapter of the AIGA is featuring a night with Joe Bosack.
The Joe Bosack Graphic Design Company is a full-service design agency based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They specialize in creating sports brand identities, and have done work for the NFL, Major League Baseball, and more.
The event starts at 6:30 at The Ha’ Penny, 855 Broad Street, Suite 250 Boise, ID 83702.
Technorati tags: aiga, joe bosack, joe bosack graphic design company, national football league, major league baseball, ha' penny
Posted by
5:48 AM
Labels: events
Thursday, October 04, 2007
New Agency Addition
As I've said in the past, if you bring something to my attention, odds are I'll include it here. Case in point...
The White Space is a design shop based in Boise, with a satellite office in Bozeman, Montana. Their services include identity, collateral, print, web and media.
I've added them to the list of agencies in Idaho. Are there others that I should do the same with? Let me know.
Technorati tags: the white space, idaho ad agencies
Posted by
7:12 AM
Labels: agency news, resources, updates
BAF Social Event
From the Boise Advertising Federation:
Get to know the Boise Advertising Federation
DATE: Thursday, October 11th
TIME: 5:30
LOCATION: Beside Bardenay
QUESTIONS? contact Carolyn Weske 472-7457 or carolyn@mmgboise.com
I'm glad to see the new leadership of the BAF stepping things up a bit, and making the organization a little more active. I hope it continues.
Technorati tags: boise advertising federation
Posted by
7:03 AM
Labels: events
Monday, October 01, 2007
New hire at Oliver Russell
Jane Naillon has joined the ranks of Oliver Russell in Boise. She worked most recently for McRoberts Mitchell in New York, as director of client services, however she has also had several years of experience on the production side of the house.
For Oliver Russell Jane is going to be involved in _______________. (The announcement on Oliver Russell's website isn't quite as clear as I'd like it to be, but that's just me...
Congratulations Jane.
Technorati tags: jane naillon, oliver russell, mcroberts mitchell
Posted by
10:44 PM
Labels: agency news, new hires
Anonymous job opening - Copywriter
There's an anonymous job posting on the Boise Craigslist website for a full time Copywriter. Full details about the position can be found here.
Technorati tags: craigslist, copywriter job
Posted by
10:26 PM
Labels: jobs
Saturday, September 29, 2007
BAF Legends of Advertising Golf Tournament
From the Boise Advertising Federation:
The Legends of Advertising Golf Tournament - 4 person scramble & BBQ
Friday Oct. 12th 2007
Banbury Golf Course
Shotgun start @ 10 a.m. BBQ @ 2:30 p.m.$100 single entry / $375 per team of 4. Entry fee includes: green fees, two carts per team, range balls, BBQ, tee prizes, etc. Maximum of 84 entries. Register by October 3rd, 2007 at 5 p.m. (call, fax, email the entry form) to Shane Vaughan (P) 208-629-7520, (F) 208.441.6379 or email boiseadvertisingfed@yahoo.com. Visa, MasterCard, or check payable to the Boise Advertising Federation. Proceeds will benefit the AAF student chapters at Idaho universities.
Technorati tags: boise advertising federation, baf golf tournament
Posted by
6:03 PM
Labels: events
Monday, September 24, 2007
New Hires and Promotions
As much as I'd like to be writing about all kinds of new hires and promotions in and around the agency world, I've been out of the loop lately in that respect.
Here's why.
Most of my updates came from the "Your Business Community" of The Idaho Statesman. The only problem is, I don't get the print edition of the newspaper. I read it online. Up until a few months ago, the Business Community updates were part of the online Business section each day. But that's been a while.
So, to anyone that I may have missed writing about, congratulations on your new position, whatever it may be.
And to those who know of people that are on the move, by all means, let me know.
To the folks at The Idaho Statesman I have but one simple request -- please put the Business Community updates back into the online edition of the paper.
UPDATE: The past few days I've noticed that the Business Community updates have shown back up on the Statesman's website. Hmmm...
Technorati tags: idaho statesman
Posted by
10:28 PM
Labels: updates
Anonymous job opening - Account Manager/Executive
There's an anonymous job listing posted on craigslist in which a "well-seasoned agency" is looking for an Account Manager/Executive. This person should have 5-7 years of experience, along with the standard laundry list of requirements. Full details about the job can be found here.
Technorati tags: account manager job, account executive job, craigslist
Posted by
10:23 PM
Labels: jobs
Job Opening - Managing Director
Side Door Media in Boise has an opening for a Managing Director of the agency. This person will be responsible for all aspects of the day-to-day function of the business, as well as leading the overall strategic direction. Full details about this position can be found here.
(Courtesy of craigslist)
Technorati tags: side door media, managing director job, craigslist
Posted by
10:16 PM
Labels: jobs
Job Opening - PR Account Manager
Es/drake in Boise has an opening for a PR Account Manager. This person should have 5-6 years of experience, either in an agency or corporate PR role. The full job posting can be seen here.
(Courtesy of craigslist)
Technorati tags: es/drake, pr job, pr account manager job, craigslist
Posted by
10:05 PM
Labels: jobs
Thursday, September 20, 2007
New Agency Addition
Here's another one that I've added to the list of agencies in Idaho.
Curious Media is, by all appearances, a three six-person shop based out of Nampa, Idaho. According to their website, their services run the gamut, from graphic design and illustration to photography and DVD development.
Know of others that should be added to the list? Let me know.
Technorati tags: curious media
Posted by
9:34 PM
Labels: agency news, resources, updates
Changes at Temel
The Temel office in Boise is typically a quiet shop. They do their work without drawing too much attention to themselves. But last night, they popped up on an alert that I received via email.
It seems that they, along with Digital Grit and Relevant Noise have merged to form Adverb Media. According to the press release, the three companies will retain their individual titles and branding, but will integrate their services, employees and clients under the direction of a single CEO.
What does that mean for the office here in Boise? Probably nothing in the short term. Eventually, I wouldn't be surprised if the name on the door changes from Temel to Adverb Media at some time down the road.
Technorati tags: temel, digital grit, relevant noise, adverb media
Posted by
9:22 PM
Labels: agency news
Job Opening - Interactive Art Director
Publicis in Boise is currently searching for an Interactive Art Director, with a minimum of three years experience, Flash skills, action script/programming skills and more. This is the latest iteration of their previous art director search, and they've fine-tuned their needs a bit more.
For more details, or to apply, send your book and resume to Chris Tweedy.
Technorati tags: publicis, interactive art director job, chris tweedy
Posted by
7:16 AM
Labels: jobs
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Email subscriptions are fixed
I was recently alerted to the fact that the receive updates by email option for this site was not working correctly. After doing a little digging I found the problem, and it has since been corrected.
To anyone who tried to subscribe, but got an error message, my apologies. It should be working now, if you'd like to give it a shot again.
A special thanks goes out to Michele for the tip.
Posted by
10:12 PM
Moxie Java - Life is Good
So I've seen the new Moxie Java billboards around Boise lately, and I'm just not quite sure what to think of them.
I'm wondering what the folks over at Life is good think of it?
Thoughts? Opinions?
Technorati tags: moxie java, life is good
Posted by
7:24 AM
Labels: observations
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Job Openings at Rizen Creative
Rizen Creative in Boise is not beating around the bush. The headline from their most recent Craigslist job posting: "Your current agency job sucks?"
Get beyond the headline, and you'll find that they're in the market for a few different people:
Account Executive
Account Coordinator
Graphic Designer
The full job posting can be found here.
Technorati tags: rizen creative, craigslist, account executive job, account coordinator job, graphic designer job
Posted by
9:54 PM
Labels: jobs
Monday, September 10, 2007
When the heart and soul leaves the room
Too often, in small agencies, there are one or two key people that drive the focus of an entire business. These people are the heart and soul of the business. Put another way, these people are "the agency."
Recently, though, I've noticed a number of instances where the heart and soul of the business has left the building.
Take Blueline Grassroots Marketing, for example.
Just under a month ago, one of the founders of the company, Brian Critchfield, decided it was time to leave. Blueline was, by my own observations, his baby. He, along with others, started it, and grew it from it's original group to the place that they're at today. Then, in what I'd assume was not a sudden decision, he left. He decided that it was time to move on.
Now I'm sure there are a number of reasons for this, many of which you and I will never know about. That's the case no matter when this happens. The point, however, is that in many ways, Brian was the heart and soul of Blueline. And with him gone, what's next for them?
Now, it should be noted that this is not unique to our little world here in Idaho. For those of you who follow the new media/marketing world may know, last week CC Chapman decided that it was time for him to leave Crayon, a company that he helped to create. Again, I'm sure there are a number of reasons for this decision that the casual observer will never know about, but I have to call it as I see it -- the heart and soul of that company has now left the building.
So, the question remains. When this happens where you're at, and at some point in time it will happen, what are you going to do about it? Are you in a position to replace the talent that just left the company, or are you going to have to scramble to try and pick up the slack somehow?
As always, comments, questions, blatant cries that I'm full of shit are always welcome.
Technorati tags: blueline grassroots marketing, brian critchfield, navel marketing, crayon, cc chapman
Posted by
10:55 PM
Labels: observations, opinion
National recognition for local work
Congratulations to the folks over at Stoltz Marketing Group. In July, their pro-bono work for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Idaho was rewarded with a national ADDY award for Public Service, TV by the American Advertising Federation. The :30 spot was created last fall, just prior to the United Way Day of Caring, and can be seen here.
Congratulations to Foerstel Design as well. Their work for Garden of Life was rewarded with a national ADDY for Publication Cover.
Salty Design Foundry also won a national ADDY for their Add Flavors local self-promotion campaign.
In the likely event that I missed recognizing someone's work, the entire list of winners can be found here.
Technorati tags: stoltz marketing group, big brothers big sisters southwest idaho, american advertising federation, foerstel design, garden of life, salty design foundry, add flavors
Posted by
7:32 AM
Labels: agency news, awards
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Job Opening - Account Executive / Manager / Jack-of-all-trades
Rizen Creative in Boise has an opening for an Account Executive / Manager / Strategist / whatever you'd like to call yourself. It sounds like they're on the hunt for a specific type of person, and the job posting is meant to be somewhat vague. The full details can be found here.
Technorati tags: rizen creative, account executive job
Posted by
10:17 PM
Labels: jobs
Job Opening - Business Development / Account Manager
Peppershock Media Productions in Nampa has an opening for a Business Development / Account Manager. This person will be responsible for new business development, managing existing client relationships and developing the overall marketing objectives for the agency. More details about this position can be found here.
Technorati tags: peppershock media productions, business development job, account manager job
Posted by
10:10 PM
Labels: jobs
Anonymous job opening - Art Director
Craigslist in Boise has an anonymous job posting for an "Experienced" Art Director/Graphic Designer. Details about the job can be found here.
Technorati tags: art director job, graphic designer job, craigslist
Posted by
10:03 PM
Labels: jobs
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
We now return to regularly scheduled programming
I hope everyone enjoyed the long holiday weekend. I know I did.
Time to dive back into the madness. More updates on the way soon.
Posted by
7:32 AM
Friday, August 31, 2007
New Agency Additions
Here's a few new shops to add to the list:
Keokee Creative Group
Based out of Sandpoint, Keokee provides marketing and design services, focusing on website design, magazine, and book publishing.
Krall Marketing
Krall Marketing, based out of Boise, describes themselves as a full service marketing, design and communications firm specializing in integrated marketing communications and branding solutions.
RED, Inc.
RED, Inc. is based out of Idaho Falls, with additional offices in Boise and Las Vegas. A good portion of their work is focused on government agencies, but they offer a full range of services as well.
Know of any others that should be on the list? Please let me know.
Technorati tags: keokee creative group, krall marketing, red inc
Posted by
7:32 AM
Labels: agency news, resources, updates
Monday, August 27, 2007
Hanging solidly at 419
On theAd Age Power 150! Who ever said you had to be good at math...
Seriously though, the Power 150 list ranks the top media and marketing blogs, and features some outstanding company, such as AdRants at number 6, and American Copywriter at number 82.
Even to be on the same list at those types of sites is a tremendous honor, especially for this little blog out of Idaho. And while our friends over in Cleveland would like to see a higher position, I'm just thankful to be on the list.
So, to those of you who read, subscribe to, and comment on this site, I say thank you.
Technorati tags: ad age, power 150, adrants, american copywriter, aaf cleveland
Posted by
11:14 PM
Labels: worth mentioning
Job Opening - Account Services Director
Closed Loop Marketing & Advertising in Boise has an opening for an Account Services Director with previous agency experience. The full job posting can be found here.
(Courtesy of Careerbuilder)
Full Disclosure - by day, this is my employer
Technorati tags: closed loop marketing & advertising, account services director job, careerbuilder
Posted by
11:06 PM
Labels: jobs
New hires at es/drake
Es/drake is adding to their staff once again:
Robbin Gibson has joined the agency as Media Director.
Brandie Holly steps in as an Account Manager.
Justin Yonk joins the shop as an Interactive Designer.
Congratulations to all.
Technorati tags: es/drake, robbin gibson, brandie holly, justin yonk
Posted by
10:55 PM
Labels: new hires
Rizen's on the move
From their little office on Hill Rd. to a new space on 9th Street.
I caught a little blurb in last week's Idaho Business Review that mentioned Rizen purchased space in the Foster's Building on 9th.
2,008 square feet should give them some room to stretch their legs.
Technorati tags: rizen creative, idaho business review
Posted by
10:44 PM
Labels: agency news
Friday, August 24, 2007
Spotlight on Carew Co.
A couple of weeks ago I had a chance to sit down for coffee with Paul Carew.
Paul spent the past decade+ with Oliver Russell, most recently as Creative Director.
Then, in the first part of July, he struck out on his own, opening Carew Co. According to Carew Co’s website, “Form needs to function. Creative has to work.” In other words, the pretty pictures alone won’t get results. There has to be a solid plan behind it.
Since Paul started up the shop in early July, he’s kept himself incredibly busy, and from the sounds of it there’s no sign of things slowing down.
To Paul, and everyone else who’s taken that leap of faith to strike out on their own, I offer up a hearty congratulations. It’s a bold step to take, so make the best of it.
Be sure to check out the Carew Co. blog as well for updates and a little peek behind the curtain.
Technorati tags: paul carew, carew co, oliver russell
Posted by
12:17 PM
Labels: agency news, worth mentioning
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Thanks for the nod Danny
As always, I am grateful whenever this site receives a little notice from outside the local echo chamber, and the latest case is no exception.
Danny G., one of the contributing writers over at AdPulp, posted a piece on NE Creative, which is a blog about advertising in Nebraska. In it, he mentioned that they were "following the lead of Idaho, and some other locales..."
Now, while I never really though of this site as taking the lead, I'll set that aside and just say thanks to Danny G.
And to the folks over in Nebraska, welcome, and hello from the other side of the Continental Divide.
Technorati tags: adpulp, ne creative
Posted by
10:40 PM
Advice for Newbies - a primer from Advergirl
Now I'll be the first to admit that there are more marketing-related blogs around these days than I could even begin to keep track of. But when one of the few that I do keep up references another one, I'll usually take a look.
Such was the case this time.
Last week I saw a post on AdRants titled "So You Want to Work In Advertising? Read This First." I was intrigued, so I read further. Turns out it was a reference to a piece written recently by Advergirl, who shared her version of a new employee "welcome kit" so to speak.
Take a few minutes and read through it once or twice: Advice for Newbies: Meet You New Boss. You'll be glad you did -- its a very insightful piece.
Technorati tags: adrants, advergirl
Posted by
10:28 PM
Labels: notable sites, worth mentioning
Job Opening - Copywriter
Closed Loop Marketing & Advertising in Boise has an opening for a Copywriter.
Applicants should have 3+ years of experience, and should submit resumes and portfolio materials.
Additional details about this job can be found on craigslist, or on Talent Zoo.
(Disclosure -- by day, this is my employer.)
Technorati tags: closed loop marketing & advertising, copywriter job, craigslist, talent zoo
Posted by
10:12 PM
Labels: jobs
Job Opening Update
Not too long ago I wrote about Stoltz Marketing Group looking for an Art Director.
Well, they're serious about their search, as they've posted a new listing for the job over at craigslist.
Technorati tags: stoltz marketing group, art director job, craigslist
Posted by
10:03 PM
Labels: jobs
Job Opening - Assistant Art Director
Es/drake in Boise has an opening for an Assistant Art Director.
This position will provide a variety of design-related services to the senior creative staff, the agency and its clients. Applicants should submit their resume and portfolio to Lisa Hawkes.
More details about this position can be found on es/drake's website, or on craigslist.
Thanks to Lisa as well for the initial heads-up.
Technorati tags: es/drake, art director job, craigslist
Posted by
9:52 PM
Labels: jobs
New Hires and Promotions
The kids over at Oliver Russell are at it again...
Courtney Feider has been promoted to Senior Account Executive.
Vida Lietuvninkas has joined Oliver Russell as Office Manager.
Jessica Holmes has joined the agency as a Copywriter.
Tony Tino is Oliver Russell's latest hire, and a name that's a serious 'blast from the past' for me personally.
Congratulations to all.
Technorati tags: oliver russell
Posted by
9:38 PM
Labels: agency news, new hires
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Getting too far behind
I'm getting way too far behind in updates that need to be made to the site lately. I may have to just take and run through a laundry list of updates over the weekend.
Don't be surprised if I start tinkering with the design of the site while I'm under the hood.
Technorati tags: idaho ad agencies
Posted by
12:25 AM
Labels: updates
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Anonymous Job Opening - Art Director
A "small design agency" in Boise has an opening for a Designer / Art Director. The laundry list of details about the position can be found here.
(Courtesy of craigslist)
Technorati tags: designer job, art director job, craigslist
Posted by
10:18 AM
Labels: jobs
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Agency competency test
I've been a fan of Bart Cleveland's contributions to the Ad Age Small Agency Diary for several years now, and his most recent article is no exception:
Give Your Agency This Simple Competency Test
Bart serves up four questions to help you evaluate where you are. As he mentions toward the end of the article, "Whether you own an agency or just work for one, you should be asking yourself these questions and planning your course accordingly."
It's a short article, but lots of good ideas to chew on.
Technorati tags: bart cleveland, ad age, small agency diary
Posted by
10:16 AM
Labels: worth mentioning
Friday, August 10, 2007
Finding Inspiration in Letters
Russ Stoddard, Founder and President of Oliver Russell, is at it again.
Last year, it was all about the letter V. This time around, Russ shares his thoughts as they relate to the letter P.
I came across a guest article yesterday morning, written by Russ, for Talent Zoo, wherein he shares his thoughts on people, power and purpose (just to name a few), in the agency world, and marketplace in general.
The article is currently at the top of the Featured Articles section on Talent Zoo's website, and a link to the full article can be found here.
Well done Russ. Well done.
Technorati tags: oliver russell, talentzoo
Posted by
7:35 AM
Labels: guest article, worth mentioning
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Agency List Updates
I've made a couple of updates to the list of agencies recently. I'm toying with the idea of reorganizing things a bit, but in the mean time, here are the latest additions:
Brick Group
Scott Peyron & Associates - not sure how I overlooked this one...
Technorati tags: idaho ad agencies, brick group, scott peyron & associates
Posted by
7:22 AM
Labels: agency news, updates
Job Opening - Graphic Designer
Here's another one from the mail bag...
Peppershock Media is looking for a graphic designer. Responsibilities will run the full gamut - from packaging and brochures to website interfaces and flash banners. Interested applicants should send their resume and portfolio to info@peppershock.com.
Technorati tags: peppershock media, graphic designer job
Posted by
7:00 AM
Labels: jobs
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Job Opening - Art Director/Graphic Designer
Here's another one that I received via email recently...
Stoltz Marketing Group in Boise has is looking for a mid- to senior-level art director/graphic designer with both traditional and interactive experience. Portfolio materials should be sent to David Cook.
UPDATE: The job opening is now posted on Craigslist as well.
Technorati tags: stoltz marketing group, art director job
Posted by
7:17 AM
Labels: jobs
Friday, August 03, 2007
The Brick Group - the update
There seems to be a trend here...
An anonymous comment on an old post alerted me to the fact that the Brick Group has recently updated their website as well. Nice to see some real content on the site, rather than just a single page.
Technorati tags: brick group
Posted by
5:04 PM
Labels: worth mentioning
Job Opening - Graphic Designer
File this one under anonymous craigslist job postings...
A "established, local, graphic design and marketing agency" is looking for a graphic designer with 1-3 years of experience. The grab-bag of responsibilities for this position include print design, web design, vendor management, project coordination and so on and so forth. Full details can be found here.
Technorati tags: graphic designer job, craigslist
Posted by
4:59 PM
Labels: jobs
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Job Opening Update - Art Director
Last week I received the tip via email.
This week, the Art Director position with Publicis in Boise is all over the job boards, including TalentZoo, Craigslist, and Creative Hotlist.
Technorati tags: art director job, publicis, talentzoo, craigslist, creative hotlist
Posted by
10:48 AM
Labels: jobs
Friday, July 27, 2007
Rizen Creative
Now those of you who have been reading my assorted posts over the past couple of years know that I've picked on Rizen Creative's website a few times. I swung by there last night just for the hell of it, and an happy to see that they've made a whole slew of changes.
The site now includes real content, such as examples of previous work, an overview of their capabilities, and even a list of employees and their contact information.
I'll reserve comment on the fact that it's all in Flash for now. I'm just glad to see an update.
To Ron, Jeff and the rest of the crew over there - well done.
Technorati tags: rizen creative
Posted by
7:44 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Job Opening - Art Director
I received this one via email recently:
Publicis West in Boise will soon be looking for an Intermediate/Senior Interactive & Print Art Director. They should have at least 5 years of experience, and be proficient in both interactive and print design.
Those who are interested can send an email to Associate Creative Director Chris Tweedy.
Technorati tags: art director job, publicis west
Posted by
10:21 PM
Labels: jobs
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
What's happening outside of the Treasure Valley
Admittedly, too much of what I write about is focused on Boise and the Treasure Valley. It's where I live, it's where I work, so it just happens. I am curious, however, if anyone is willing to share information on what's happening outside of this area.
Northern Idaho? Eastern Idaho? Sun Valley? Anyone?
Case in point -- Advantage Advertising. Their website has been "under construction" for longer than I can remember. Anything new up there?
Feel free to send me any updates. As always, you're welcome to do so in either a credited role or anonymously.
Technorati tags: idaho ad agencies, advantage advertising
Posted by
11:14 PM
Labels: agency news, worth mentioning
New Agency Addition
FusionSet is the most recent addition to the agency list here at the Idaho Ad Agencies blog. FusionSet was founded in 2006 and offer services that include "marketing planning and implementation, collateral development, publications management, public/media relations, creative development, copywriting and editing, and media planning and buying."
Technorati tags: fusionset
Posted by
11:01 PM
Labels: agency news
Lots of new faces at Oliver Russell
Yes, its been a while since I've made the "who's in, who's out" rounds, but there are enough changes within the past month that make it worth noting:
Mike Landa has joined Oliver Russell & Associates as an associate director. Most recently, Mike was a graphic designer at Pete Wilson DesignWorks, and prior to that he owned his own shop - Occupancy 66.
John Liebenthal has been promoted from senior writer to associate director over at Oliver Russell.
Julie Robinson has joined Oliver Russell as a public relations manager.
Jennifer Seavey has signed on with Oliver Russell as an account services director for Hewlett-Packard. She joins Oliver Russell most recently from the Overland Agency and CMD.
Jesse Huffman is the newest face over at Oliver Russell, joining the shop as a graphic designer. He is a recent graduate of Montana State University.
That's all of the new faces over there that I'm aware of. Are there others that I've missed?
Technorati tags: oliver russell, pete wilson designworks, occupancy 66, hewlett packard, overland agency, cmd, montana state university
Posted by
10:24 PM
Labels: agency news, new hires
Thursday, July 19, 2007
The bus has been moved
It's the feel good story of the month in the Treasure Valley. Media outlets have been covering the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition events out in Middleton for the past week. It's a touching story, and a deserving family, no doubt.
My hat goes off to the folks over at es/drake for an outstanding job on the PR for the whole event, as well as a series of well-coordinated updates via the web.
An interesting side note (in my mind, at least) is the fact that CBH Homes appears to have returned to es/drake, after stints with a couple of other agencies over the past few years. I have a great deal of respect for everyone over at es/drake, and I think this serves as testament to the fact that if you do good work, you will see the results in one form or another.
Technorati tags: extreme makeover home edition, es/drake, cbh homes
Posted by
5:14 PM
Labels: worth mentioning